South Australia

South Australia

Welcome, residents of Housing Choices South Australia and participants of the Common Ground program.

If you would like to update your contact details, please get in touch with our Customer Services team.

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Looking for housing?

Housing Choices is an entry point for people seeking to register for public or community housing. If you would like more information about applying for housing through Housing Choices South Australia, please contact our office directly.

Contact us
  • Nightingale Bowden SA

    New Specialist Disability Accommodation in Bowden, Adelaide

    Nightingale Bowden is in one of Adelaide’s most vibrant neighbourhoods. Situated on a unique island site, the building overlooks the street to the south and accesses sunlight from the north.

    Applications are open for Adelaide CBD + Bowden Specialist Disability Accommodation. Modifications can be made for individuals requiring High Physical Support accessibility and other assistive technology.

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Home Stories

South Australia Autumn '24

In this issue: Meet the case coordinators, 2023 Resident Survey Results, A transfer to a more tranquil life

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South Australia Summer '23

In this issue: Simple Savers, Out and About, Lefty goals and lovable lizards - life with Lance.

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South Australia Spring '23

In this issue: Creative Corner, Music Makers and meet your Customer Service team

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South Australia Winter '23

In this issue: A quick guide to garden responsibilities, Tristan & Scooter’s story and a new community space launches in Adelaide

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