

Housing Choices is an experienced and award-winning social and affordable housing developer, with a national property portfolio of $1 billion and an annual turnover of $80 million. We have a highly successful collaborative approach working with a range of private and public stakeholders to realise our mission of increasing stock of good quality social housing for people on lower incomes, people with disability and key workers.

We offer full project management, design and construction, design management services including site assessments, planning assessments and housing yield analysis, cost planning and budget management, consultant engagement and preparation of contract documentation and tendering, building and construction management and project delivery.

As well as good homes, Housing Choices developments include vital community consultation and placemaking programs that enhance neighbourhood interaction and foster connection to place and between people established and new to neighbourhoods. We are committed to innovating new housing models and committed to exploring new ways of delivering more housing.


Read our Property Prospectus
  • "...Housing Choices’ has an innovative spirit and urgency with which it approaches the need to deliver more housing for those who need it."

    Carolyn Viney

    CEO, Super Housing Partnerships
  • "Their dedication to creating long term, quality housing for high need groups is outstanding."

    Peter Malatt

    Director, Six Degrees Architects
  • Innovative partnerships

    Located across South Australia and Victoria, our Nightingale Housing partnership reflects how affordable homes and specialist disability accommodation can be included in environmentally sustainable developments. It’s a model that lowers living costs and builds community, and one we’re proud to help spearhead.

    Nightingale Ballarat offers a world first opportunity to understand the benefits of social and affordable tenancies and specialist housing solutions for people living with a disability within a mixed tenure development featuring outstanding environmentally sustainable design, a development model delivering capped investor profit margins, low running costs for tenants and a community atmosphere promoting social and economic inclusion.

  • Innovative partnerships

    Housing Choices will manage the affordable housing component of six new build-to-rent developments by Assemble Communities. The model follows international examples of build-to-rent, offering a wider array of affordable apartments, with the opportunity to enrich city communities, benefit local economies and most importantly, take pressure off the housing system overall.

    Read more
  • Big Housing Build

    Our Big Housing Build projects are being developed in partnership with Homes Victoria under the $5.3bn Big Housing Build. Announced in 2020, the Victorian Government in partnership with community housing providers and developers, will deliver 12,000 new social and affordable homes while generating 10,000 jobs each year over the four-year program.

    See projects in progress
  • Housing Choices projects


    Housing Choices Australia has partnered with Build-to-rent developer, Assemble, to manage community housing across their projects Australia-wide. A first of its kind for the emerging asset class, the initial tranche will provide thousands of homes for low to moderate income households.

    Super Housing Partnerships (SHP), a specialist affordable fund manager, is contributing investment towards the project pipeline which includes high density, mixed tenure developments in Melbourne and Perth. This replicable mixed income model reflects international best practice, adapted to the Australian context to achieve social outcomes for tenants and financial returns for investors, while reducing dependence on government subsidies.

  • Our key priority


    Housing Choices embraces our social and corporate responsibility to act in a sustainable and ethical manner. Embedding sustainability into everything we do, for the benefit of our residents and the wider community, is a key priority.

    Many of our buildings are designed to the highest energy ratings (NaTHers rating of 7 stars or higher for new developments, some up to 9), which not only reduces our carbon footprint but delivers cost savings and comfort to residents on limited incomes. Find our Design Guidelines via the link below.

    Read our Design Guidelines

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