What we do

What we do

Housing Choices Australia is one of Australia’s largest community housing providers. We build, develop and own a range of housing types for people on lower incomes and people with disability. Working with individuals, families, support agencies, community organisations and governments to meet specific housing needs, our rents are subsidised, based either on a discount to the market rent or as a percentage of household income (capped at 25 – 30 per cent).

  • Community housing

    Community housing is owned or managed by non-government, not-for-profit, registered housing agencies like Housing Choices. We partner with a range of support services and community organisations, enabling usĀ  to meet the immediate and longer term needs of our residents, so that they can thrive and maintain long-term tenancies.

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  • Development

    Housing Choices is an experienced and award-winning social and affordable housing developer, with a national property portfolio of $1bn and an annual turnover of $80m. We have a highly successful collaborative approach working with a range of private and publicĀ  stakeholders to realise our mission of increasing our stock of good quality social housing for people on lower incomes and people with disability.

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  • Advocacy, research and events

    We are active members of all the leading peak and industry bodies in our sector, including the Community Housing Industry Association, PowerHousing Australia and the Australian Housing Institute.

    Housing Choices also actively partners with research and academic bodies to inform the policy environment and encourage innovation across the housing sector. Over the years we have been actively involved in numerous studies and initiatives aimed at understanding the current and influencing future policy settings that impact on our sector and therefore our residents.

    We hold industry events, including the Oswald Barnett Oration, a flagship sector event designed to engender ideas and partnerships, and host international speakers such as UK architect Paul Karakusevic to share international best practice.

    Working with a range of partners and collaborators, we advocate strongly on social and affordable housing issues.

    Retrofit Social Housing video


Tenancy management

Housing Choices specialises in people-centred housing services that help residents to experience long term housing stability.

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Asset management

Our whole-of-life asset management strategy covers the entire Housing Choices portfolio of more than 7000 properties.

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Our maintenance partners are critical in the delivery of a range of maintenance services across our diverse portfolio.

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