Western Australia

Western Australia

Welcome, residents of Housing Choices Western Australia.

If you would like to update your contact details, please get in touch with our Customer Services team.

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Looking for housing?

Housing Choices is an entry point for people seeking to register for Public or Community Housing. If you would like further information about applying for housing through Housing Choices in Western Australia, please contact our office directly or go to the Department of Communities website.

WA Department of Communities

Home Stories

Western Australia Autumn '24

In this issue: 2023 Resident Survey snapshot, Man of many colours, Tenant Tails: a spotlight on pets

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Western Australia Summer '23

In this issue: Spring Garden Competition, End of year tenant lunches, Are you bushfire ready?

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Western Australia Spring '23

In this issue: Strategy Launch: Celebrating Diversity & Inclusion, protecting your home from pests, Leanne’s Guide to gardening on a budget

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Western Australia Winter '23

In this issue: Tenants shine at our 2023 Tenant Art Showcase; Answering your rent questions; and Fire safety risks of lithium-ion batteries

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