

Welcome, residents of Housing Choices Victoria.

If you would like to update your phone number, email or home address, please get in touch with our customer service team.

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Looking for housing?

Housing Choices is an entry point for people seeking to register for Public or Community Housing.

Housing Choices Victoria properties are located right across the state.

If you would like further information about applying for housing through Housing Choices in Victoria please contact our office directly or go to the Victoria Housing Register website to learn more.

Victorian Housing Register
  • New Specialist Disability Accommodation in Brunswick

    Check out Housing Choices Australia’s new Specialist Disability Accommodation in the heart of Brunswick, Melbourne.

    Designed by Breathe Architecture, Nightingale Anstey is a collaboration between Housing Choices and Nightingale Housing.

    The high physical support or fully accessible apartments, which include features that provide enhanced physical access, are managed by Housing Choices while disability support organisation Life Without Barriers provides onsite shared supports.

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Home Stories

Victoria Autumn '24

In this issue: 2023 resident survey results, Pet social, Rae thrives in her piece of paradise

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Victoria Summer '23

In this issue: Home is Where the Art is, Youth Advocate Reggie shows the way, State-wide residents celebration event 2023

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Victoria Spring '23

In this issue: Get a spring in your step, Here to hear, Sprucing up your spaces

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Victoria Winter '23

In this issue: Scholarships Bring Sense of Achievement; Making Art not War; and Beating Winter Blues and the Cost of Living

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