
  • Safe, quality, affordable housing for renters

Housing Choices Australia is an independent, not-for-profit housing provider that delivers high quality affordable housing for people on low to moderate incomes and for people with disability. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to live in a safe, comfortable, affordable home, in a community they feel a part of.

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What we do


We are a provider of Specialist Disability Accommodation, social and affordable housing.

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An award-winning housing developer, with a national property portfolio of $1b and annual turnover of $80m.

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Our homes are well maintained, sustainable and support a broad range of needs.

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  • Reasons to pick Housing Choices Australia

    Specialist Disability Accomodation

    Housing Choices has a strong history of providing specialist accommodation. Our innovative approach is backed by our experience and as strong housing advocates we are renowned leaders in the sector.

    The Housing Choices Specialist Housing Group Team deliver high-quality services in collaboration with our partners to ensure meaningful outcomes for individuals living with disability.

    Our unique partnership model allows residents to have greater autonomy and flexibility when selecting their home environment and their disability support provider.

    We are an NDIS registered provider and comply with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

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  • “I think the success of Housing Choices is that they try to follow up on your needs. I am so grateful for all the help I get from them. I am keen to keep this relationship going because it gives me security and the feeling that I belong.”

    Tadros, Housing Choices resident
    Read Tadros' story